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Tu comunidad sin fines de lucro paraProfesionales tecnológicos hispanos y latinos y aliados. Ofreciendo redes, recursos y tutoría para seguir carreras en tecnología. 


advancing the Hispanic & Latinx {community}


Event attendees

Program participants

Community groups

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Our mission

To create a community that provides networking opportunities, resources, mentorship, and a sense of {community}.

Representación hispana y latina en tech 

Only 1 in 14 or 7% corporate tech roles identify as Hispanic or Latinx

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Construya su red

Conéctese con su comunidad y amplíe su red en nuestro próximo evento. 

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Join a Local Network

Stay connected with your community locally, if you don't see one, start one.

Join a Community Group

Connect with your community, join a group or create one to start connecting 

How we use AI

We leverage AI in several ways, from generating a roadmap and resume example in our Starting in Tech program to our Virtual Mentor. Including our Meet Your Community series page.

Currently we are using:
 Azure Open AI GPT-4o

Our Alliances & Educational Partners
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